WikiTwist France

Script PowerShell de nettoyage de noms de fichiers pour SharePoint

SharePoint et OneDrive de Microsoft ne gèrent pas certains caractères spéciaux dans les noms de fichiers notamment les caractères & { } ~ # % et ceux interdits dans l’explorateur de fichiers, ou les fichiers dont le nom commence / finit par un « . » ou contenant des points consécutifs dans leur nom.

Alors j’ai trouvé ce script PowerShell qui peut bien vous aider !

function Check-IllegalCharacters ($Path, [switch]$Fix, [switch]$Verbose)
    Write-Host Checking files in $Path, please wait...
    #Get all files and folders under the path specified
    $items = Get-ChildItem -Path $Path -Recurse
    foreach ($item in $items)
        #Check if the item is a file or a folder
        if ($item.PSIsContainer) { $type = "Folder" }
        else { $type = "File" }
        #Report item has been found if verbose mode is selected
        if ($Verbose) { Write-Host Found a $type called $item.FullName }
        #Check if item name is 128 characters or more in length
        if ($item.Name.Length -gt 127)
            Write-Host $type $item.Name is 128 characters or over and will need to be truncated -ForegroundColor Red
            #Got this from
            $illegalChars = '[&{}~#%]'
            filter Matches($illegalChars)
                $item.Name | Select-String -AllMatches $illegalChars |
                Select-Object -ExpandProperty Matches
                Select-Object -ExpandProperty Values
            #Replace illegal characters with legal characters where found
            $newFileName = $item.Name
            Matches $illegalChars | ForEach-Object {
                Write-Host $type $item.FullName has the illegal character $_.Value -ForegroundColor Red
                #These characters may be used on the file system but not SharePoint
                if ($_.Value -match "&") { $newFileName = ($newFileName -replace "&", "and") }
                if ($_.Value -match "{") { $newFileName = ($newFileName -replace "{", "(") }
                if ($_.Value -match "}") { $newFileName = ($newFileName -replace "}", ")") }
                if ($_.Value -match "~") { $newFileName = ($newFileName -replace "~", "-") }
                if ($_.Value -match "#") { $newFileName = ($newFileName -replace "#", "") }
                if ($_.Value -match "%") { $newFileName = ($newFileName -replace "%", "") }
            #Check for start, end and double periods
            if ($newFileName.StartsWith(".")) { Write-Host $type $item.FullName starts with a period -ForegroundColor red }
            while ($newFileName.StartsWith(".")) { $newFileName = $newFileName.TrimStart(".") }
            if ($newFileName.EndsWith(".")) { Write-Host $type $item.FullName ends with a period -ForegroundColor Red }
            while ($newFileName.EndsWith("."))   { $newFileName = $newFileName.TrimEnd(".") }
            if ($newFileName.Contains("..")) { Write-Host $type $item.FullName contains double periods -ForegroundColor red }
            while ($newFileName.Contains(".."))  { $newFileName = $newFileName.Replace("..", ".") }
            #Fix file and folder names if found and the Fix switch is specified
            if (($newFileName -ne $item.Name) -and ($Fix))
                Rename-Item $item.FullName -NewName ($newFileName)
                Write-Host $type $item.Name has been changed to $newFileName -ForegroundColor Blue


Ce script provient du blog suivant.

Pour le lancer ensuite ces commandes s’offrent à vous :

Check-IllegalCharacters -Path C:\Files

Celui là ne fait que vérifier et reporter les fichiers avec des noms gênants. L’option -Verbose elle liste .. tous les fichiers vérifiés.

Check-IllegalCharacters -Path C:\Files -Fix

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